Our Process

At our core is a deep understanding of the biotech marketplace built on years of experience consulting for established and high potential emerging biotech companies.


BayBridge provides strategic talent search and management spanning the Drug Development process.

Each consultant contributes specialist expertise, which over the years has amounted to an integral understanding of the biotech lifecycle.

From emerging biotech companies navigating investment rounds, to proof-of-concept, clinical stage team build-out, launch readiness, and post-approval commercialisation, our industry experts understand the phenotype of the best-in-market candidates. We then proactively network, engage with, and discern how to provide for our client’s needs, facilitating a thorough and dedicated process tailored to each unique project.


BayBridge’s specialist team of Consultants, Analysts and Researchers has been developed to complement the Biotech Lifecycle.

Our in-house experts know the functional needs of the modern biotech industry across Science, Medical, Business, and Technology and convey this embodied understanding to clients and candidates, surpassing expectations.


Global Reach


Client and Candidate Breakdown